"VB BitCoin" Visual Basic program to mine bitcoins.

The program "VB bitcoin" is a program written in Visual Basic to demonstrate the mining of bitcoins. For a copy of "VB BitCoin.exe" select: VB BitCoin.zip.
The program is based on 7 questions related to bitcoins. To study the seven questions select: BitCoins and Mining - 7 Questions
For more information goto: Implementation details



The Visual basic program program "VB Bitcoin" consits of 2 Forms (or displays):

Operation - Control Form

Operation of the program is done from the Control Form.
Picture 1A
Picture 1A Shows the initial display.
This dispay shows 3 Commands: Calc, End and Stop This depends about were you are during program execution. Intially after starting program execution only the Calc, End commands are displayed.

The display also shows 3 additinal parameters: Msg, Auto and LowLimit